Close encounters of the marvelous kind
When the world gives you rain, it also gives you museums. Who wants to be inside when the weather is glorious, no matter how glorious the weather inside? The interior of a building…
Travel sucks, travel rocks
We slept 12 hours last night. After not sleeping at all for the previous 29. After sitting in cramped airline seats for 9 hours between Portland and Amsterdam. After blasting eastward through a…
My wife’s nearly brilliant future career in futzing
My wife loves food. Cooking it, and eating it. She hates futzing, even though she’s pretty good at doing it. Expert cooks build temples to their talent — restaurants. What if expert futzers…
The looming threat of the DIY real estate sales person (i.e. the owner)
Some of my best friends are Realtors. I just might be less than happy if my daughter were to marry one. Had to share a link with y’all. This came to my attention,…
RIP, Mom, this life was not for you
My greatest teacher died the other day, at age 91. For the last 34 years of her life — since retirement — Mom became increasingly angry and bitter. Her disdain for humanity and…
The clues all point to Holmes
The young woman checking me in to the Quality Inn & Suites in Twin Falls, Idaho, asks my name. “Watson.” “Hmm, I had a Moriarty earlier today.” “Sherlock Holmes fan?” “Yep.” “Cumberbatch or…