Free fiction for anyone who visits this …
blog post. That’s right, if you’re tired of paying for books and magazines, just follow this link to my most recent online publication, a short story titled “Defending the Home Front.” It appears…
My story “Chasing the Cartoon Balloons” lands on Red Planet Magazine
Muchas gracias to editor Megan Bush for sharing the love with my fantastic flash “Chasing the Cartoon Balloons” at Red Planet Magazine. It’s … out of this world. Get a taste below and…
Lovely to have a day to myself at Flash Fiction Magazine
Thanks to the team at Flash Fiction Magazine for the digital hug for my flashy absurdity, “Alone with Her Needs.”
Thank you to Montana Mouthful for sharing “Sofa 4 Free”
Thanks to Jasmine, Holly and Cari for including my work in their most recent release, thematically titled ‘Out of This World.’ It is.
Yet another story has escaped the penitentiary of my hard drive
Thanks to editor Sheldon Lee Compton for sharing my story “Lost and Found” at his online literary site, Revolution John, this second-to-last day of 2020. Like all of my work, like all of…
Responding to a response to a response to a letter sent to the world
I’m not much of a social media person. I like direct contact, which is why I will fire off an e-mail note to someone whose work or other actions has been particularly impressive.…